Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ready for state fair!

At 11:15 when I got home I did the best I could and DID get a picture taken, however it gets posted today along with Today's picture. One of these shirts was dyed because it started white and I am NOT going to wear a white shirt if I can help it.
Today's picture comes to you courtesy of our Nubian-Nigerian cross who goes by many names from Acorn to the more popular "Little Bit"
She is going with us to state fair although she is not staying at the fair but rather at Jenn's grandfather's house with us. While we were doing vet check, she was hanging out in the car (with the window WIDE open, in case you were worried). Well when I came to back front to check on her and she had climbed up and was looking at me wondering where I went. "HiHiHiHi! I missed you and I was just looking for you and I was wondering if you were bringing more food!!!!!"
Well the goats are in, bedded down, and ready for the rest of the week at the fair! Fun all around. I'm sure there will be no shortage of pictures on that subject. Only the poor dog was pouting at home because she didn't get to come this year.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Desk

A day late again, this week is crazy so we shall see if I get everything up loaded the way it should be.
This is my new desk. I moved in Monday (yesterday, the day I actually took the picture). I have been in this lab a while but never had a desk for myself. Finally I do and it makes me more than a little bit happy to have a place to sit while I am not working. Everyone else did, and now I finally do too. Sad but true.
Like I said before, this week is State Fair. So fun but so exausting too. If I upload everything later, you will have to forgive me. That and I don't know what the internet over the weekend will be.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Clipping for State Fair

Yesterday's picture because my internet went out at home :(

Spend last night finishing clipping the goats. Seems like an appropriate picture - sign of the days.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Irrigating this morning. Flooded pasture = happy clover and angry, wet goats

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lepidium Seed pods

It is funny, I've noticed that I start out thinking about what I would like to photgraph for the day early in the day, then what actually turns out to be the photograph of the day. Originally I wanted to get a large overview of that the greenhouses look like, but I suppose this will just have to wait. This picture was just to show the people back at lab what I was actually seeing. But then I think this is a better picture. It is a picture of almost ripe seed pods of the plant Lepidium that I am doing research on. Right now these plants are wild an crazy but I am hoping to collect seeds in the next few weeks.
The other thing that I am noticing is how much more closely I look at the world around me. I keep looking for things to photograh. Tonight I found myself thinking "Oh I want to be sure to get an Acorn picture" and then later "sooner or later I need to get a milking picture" Who knows it this new found fasination will last the whole year or not, but we will see.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

At first I was not sure I should post this picture as my picture of the day. How will my mom feel that I am taking pictures of a bathroom? How will people react to a bathroom stall?
Then I realised that no one is really reading this, and hey! this is my blog. If I think the most interesting picture that I noticed today was that the bathroom stall was actually off the ground - well that is what I will post. Besides, is the blog is about maintaining childlike wonder and curiousity - well what do you think a child is likely to notice?

The other post of the stall was perfectly normal, but this side is several inches off the ground. Who designed that and didn't notice when they were building it?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Little Green Frog

Mm-ah went the little green frog one day, Mm-ah went the little green frog, mm-ah went the little green frog one day, and his eyes went Mm-Mm-Ah.

This little guy jumped out of our garage during milking this morning...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another use for goat ribbons

Miss Ally found the ribbons won by the goats. At one point she had at least 3 on!

Welcome to a mostly photo blog.

I've decided to try out project 365 for the rest of 2010 and the first 1/2 of 2011. It will be a challenge first to see if I can even continue for a year and second a chance to reflect on what the year really was like. My mind is a picture book without words as it is so maybe it will be a better way to express myself.

If you want to see my "rules" check out the extra pages.
Why the title of the blog? It comes from a theme of Randy Pausch book "The Last Lecture". The only lesson I think I have truly internalized. I have a wild imagination and still can look at a blade of grass and really wonder about it. This is my chance to really explore the world with you

Picture - the wonder of a child discovering her hand print in the beads. The look on her face is expresses what I hope to keep with me forever