Thursday, August 19, 2010
Old places and pens

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Messy Seeds
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Catch up
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
First I spend a lot of time in the car. A LOT of time. I hate it really. However I have discovered that audio books make my commute a little more bearable. Plus it forces me to actually read/listen to the whole thing, not skip around when it get boring.
Second is the Abhorsen trilogy. Less and less am I getting swept away by books. Captivated by the idea of what they are presenting. Probably one of the reason I like fantasy so much is that you do not have to follow any of the same rules that you have to follow in say historical fiction. Don't like the idea of no telekinesis - put it in the story. Don't like the idea of not being able to see the future - put that in too, want dragons or talking dogs - sure why not. Although I have not come across it often, I'm sure there are books where gravity is broken. Still there are only so many plot lines, but this series really made my imagination work a bit and what I also liked is that Garth Nix did not spoon feed me the way the universe worked. I had to work out a bunch of it along with the characters. Sometimes I was ahead of the characters, sometimes behind, but it never left me disappointed with the result. In other words, I laughed, I cried, I went home happy.
The Herd and the New Herd Additions

And now, because we are all a little insane, I would like to introduce the two newest members of the herd. Lanney, on the left, is a 5 year old doe who stunned us with her General Appearance when she walked over. Keegan, who we loved on paper when we saw her pedigree was an easy choice once we saw her live. A very correct little yearling milker with a smaller but extremely strong udder she was by far my first choice.
These girls were so sweet once we got them home. Lanney acted like a perfect show doe as Jenn clipped her and clipped her hooves. Keegan is not as familiar with the milkstand, but even she is quickly adapting to the milking routine. I probably didn't need another goat, but honestly I am really glad to have these girls and will be happy to see what they look like come spring.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Baby boys and shopping
Friday, August 6, 2010
Eggs + Cemetery = ???

Well then I am driving past this cemetery and saw the sign. I couldn't help it. Who would make a "opening soon" sign for a mausoleum. Really, this just BEGS for the joke to be made about it is so awesome that people are just dying to get in. Okay, I'll admit it was bad, but you thought it too right? Right?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Katie, Zaire, and the little ones

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Alfalfa flowers

Todays picture (in addition to me playing with my camera's features) is of alfalfa flowers. The funny story behind this is it took several weeks before I realized what this plant my co-worker was growing. Good grief, I see alfalfa every day! but no I did not recognize it. Really it is quite a pretty plant.
Okay now, off to bed.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
State fair

Little-Bit (aka Acorn) drove home with me in the truck. Since we took 2 cars to State fair (too long of a show to pack everything in one car) she drove with me alone and no passenger's lap to sit on. She was tied to the door so she could not full on jump onto my lap, however she got as close as possible by driving the whole way on the arm rest between the seats.