Today we have several pictures from the last few days when Internet was less accessible and sleep was even less present. Also they are in reverse order starting with the latest one and going to the oldest ones.

Little-Bit (aka Acorn) drove home with me in the truck. Since we took 2 cars to State fair (too long of a show to pack everything in one car) she drove with me alone and no passenger's lap to sit on. She was tied to the door so she could not full on jump onto my lap, however she got as close as possible by driving the whole way on the arm rest between the seats.

Two pictures for Saturday (July 31). I was doing all the grand champion line-ups as my pictures this week, but then as we are pulling Alaska and Arizona out and talking about how they are still rather chubby she goes and looks like this. I mean really, if it was Arizona there would not be a better capture of her personality right now and for Alaska it is also a good representation. Above is the Lamancha Champion line-up. As expected Evian won and then went on to win Best Doe in Show (BDIS). Honestly one of the most beautiful and well-deserving does.

Recorded Grade champion line-up (Fri July 30). Another set of beautiful does. Mon-Amie (3 year old) won, and a well-deserving win in this line-up. Such a pretty doe AND a Saancha like Ysis.

The Saanen champion line-up(Thurs July 29). Jewel (4 year old) was the champion. Although the line-up was nothing you wouldn't expect, it is always stunning to watch and see such beautiful animals.
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