The cool thing about doing a blog instead of JUST the project is that when I have two pictures that seem to work equally well for the day, well then I just post both of them. So the top picture is of Katie (on the left) and her two daughters Alaska (middle) and Arizona (right). The thing I love about this picture is it shows how much these girls have grown. Goodness sakes, they are almost as big as their mom! We keep making jokes about how we don't know if they will be big enough to breed. On the other side (you have to look through the feeder) you can see Ysis and her daughter Artemis. Although less nurturing and mothering then Katie, it is undeniable that the mother-daughter bond is present. The girls are all getting a rare treat before they are sentenced back to the weaning pen (let me tell you, they are taking advantage of it) and get to be out with their mothers for a while on pasture. They will eventually be back, don't worry, but not until the does are dried off so that there is a reduced temptation to nurse :)

Once I took that picture I turned around and there is Zaire standing at my front door. Apparently Jenn (my roommate/best friend/co-herd owner) had let her free on the milk stand but Zaire had just stood there finishing her grain. Oh course as soon as Jenn when into the house Zaire got all worried and ran over to the front door and stood there nibbling on a weed by the door. I had to take this picture because it was just too funny to pass up. Apparently Zaire jumped 10ft in the air when Jenn re-opened to door to come back out, but sadly my back was turned so I missed it.
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